Rules & Conduct

  1. Minimum ONE bucket balls purchased for each station.
  2. Maximum TWO people per station.
  3. No unauthorized teaching.
  4. Tee off on mats only.
  5. No personal plastic or wooden tees allowed on the mats or grass.
  6. Please do not take range balls. We need them for the next time you come.
  7. Please no Happy Gilmore swings.
  8. Please be courteous to other golfers… take your cell calls away from the mats.
  9. Do NOT run onto the range to collect a topped golf shot. Ozzy’s will not be liable to you or any person for any reasonably incurred losses, damage, cost and expense of any nature which in any way may be suffered or reasonably incurred by you or by an other person in respect of or in contravention of the above action.
  10. No smoking. No marijuana. No alcohol.

Thank you and enjoy your day!